You're at the front door of the original Mitchell Library building.
Once inside, do you take the stairs to the [[Jeffrey Library]] or the [[Burns Library]] or just head straight into the [[Main Hall]]?
Skylights, bookcases, suns with faces carved into them. But nowhere else to go, so you could head back [[downstairs|Start]] or go along the corridor to the [[Burns Library]].This is a room with skylights and various Burns artefacts.
Do you go back down the main stairs to the [[Entrance |Start]] or take a closer look at the [[bookcase at the back|Secret door to stacks]]?The ceiling is made of leaded glass. There's a door in the back wall. Do you head back to the [[Entrance|Start]] or see if the door is [[locked|Stacks at Old Lift]]
<img src="" height="512" alt="Mitchell Library_0002"/>
(Photo by <a href="">Bill Anderson on Flickr</a>)The door isn't locked - you step into a room full of high bookshelves. There's a lift in the far corner.
you go to the lift and press :DOWN
The lift doors open, you get in and press the button marked "LG". When the lift arrives and the doors open you step out into a dimly lit area. Do you [[turn left|Old Bindery ]] or [[turn right| Stacks with "keep door shut" sign]]Now that you're closer, you can see there's a door in the wall next to the bookcase. It's not locked, so you step through and find yourself in a long room filled with old books on dark wooden shelves. At the back of the room is a [[massive steel fire door|Old extension Stacks]] You find yourself in a tiled room filled with all sorts of strange items so[[you go down to b3]]
In front of you, at the end of a row of dark, dusty bookcases, is a door with a sign saying "Keep locked at all times". You wonder what's behind it and if it's locked just now ... but it is slowly opening and then somthing black is coming out of run down the stairs and [[you go down to b3]]There are rows of dark wooden shelves filled with books. You walk through them to find a massive steel door leading to a newer building, still filled with dusty shelves of books.
Walking through it, you find a staircase and follow it down, winding all the way to the [[lowest basement]] or [[up to floor7]]Down in the lowest level of the basement, three floors below the ground, you see more books. This is b2 so that is not actually the lowest basement. You find some stairs in the corner going down to b3, so [[you go down to b3]]it smells of old books.after a bit of wandering you find a dark room but do you [[go in]]?the door closes behind you and it you[[bang on the door]]or[[go out the fire exit that says this door is alarmed]]someone says [[that says this door is alarmed|go out the fire exit that says this door is alarmed]][[you go down to b3]]
you find a vampire playing the missing harpsichord
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it kills you so [[better luck next time|Start]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.