You're at the front door of the original Mitchell Library building.
Once inside, do you take the stairs to the [[Burns Library]] or just head straight into the [[Main Hall]]?
This is a room with skylights and various Burns artefacts.
Do you go back down the main stairs to the [[Entrance |Start]] or take a closer look at the [[bookcase at the back|Secret door to stacks]]?The ceiling is made of leaded glass. There's a door in the back wall. Do you head back to the [[Entrance|Start]] or see if the door is [[locked|Stacks at Old Lift]]
<img src="" width="771" height="1024" alt="Mitchell Library_0002"/>
(Photo by <a href="">Bill Anderson on Flickr</a>)The door isn't locked - you step into a room full of high bookshelves. There's a lift in the far corner.
The lift doors open, you get in and press the button marked "LG". When the lift arrives and the doors open you step out into a dimly lit area. Do you [[turn left|Old Bindery ]] or [[turn right| Stacks with "keep door shut" sign]]Now that you're closer, you can see there's a door in the wall next to the bookcase. It's not locked, so you step through and find yourself in a long room filled with old books on dark wooden shelves. At the back of the room is a [[massive steel fire door|Old extension Stacks]] You find yourself in a tiled room filled with all sorts of strange items...
In front of you, at the end of a row of dark, dusty bookcases, is a door with a sign saying "Keep locked at all times". You wonder what's behind it and if it's locked just now... whichThere are rows of dark wooden shelves filled with books. You walk through them to find a massive steel door leading to a newer building, still filled with dusty shelves of books.
Walking through it, you find a staircase and follow it down, winding all the way to the [[lowest basement]] Down in the lowest level of the basement, three floors below the ground, you see a hidden trapdoor, with what seems to be a keypad beside it. You don't know the code however, so do you [[Look at the book sticking out of the wall |The Book]] or [[Guess the code|Guess the code]]You attempt to pull the book out, but instead it opens a new room, with this written on the walls in red paint - 00110100 00110001 00110001 00110011. You realise this is binary, so you pull out your phone and translate it - 4113. This must be the code for the trapdoor. You go back over to the trapdoor and input the code [[4113]]You decide to guess the code, after all, how hard could it be to guess? Will you choose code [[4113|4113]], [[1234|1234 and 8493]] or [[8493|1234 and 8493]]-CODE CORRECT- flashes up on the keypad and the trapdoor opens. You go inside, wondering what's down there... [[Go inside!|The trapdoor]]-CODE INCORRECT- flashes the keypad, and you know you should try a different code.Inside the trapdoor is some weird text written on the walls - 15 aerA, 156, 787-, 395 setanidro-oC. What could this be? [[A backwards message]] or [[more binary]]?Yes, that would make sense! Backwards the message reads Co-ordinates 593, -787, 651, Area 51. Area 51, that's where there are supposed aliens, aren't there? You have to go off to Area 51, and those co-ordinates! [[We're going on a trip!|WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVOURITE ROCKET SHIP]]You pull out your binary translator, but it just says (ERROR 404 - CODE NOT FOUND) It can't be binary then, so what is it?"Welcome to Area 51!" Your friend in the military says. "According to my boss, you are allowed to go to those co-ordinates if I come with you." You agree to this, and go to the co-ordinates, where you see a weird shape in the ground. It's like a huge circle with a massive spike coming out of it. You stand on the spike and the circle starts opening, to reveal... "A UFO!" your friend screams. He looks at you. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yep." you say. "Let's take it for a spin."